Beans or Nothingness
It is not like nature
It is not like nature to be naked, but naked it
was… a patch of blackberry vines in the sun, across the street from me, basking
in its thinghood…
And I was sitting inside the apartment with my
door open. I was at the wooden table
writing hesitantly. No matter how resolved I was in my mind that I knew reality as an a priori truth, it was no match for the luminescence of the green
of the blackberry existing in its own right. It certainly did not need to
apologize to me.
You can discuss Sartre’s Being and
Nothingness all you want to now, but at that moment in the past with that
particular arrangement of table, pen and notepad,
my vision and heart, yes, heart too for my body
tingled. The blackberry paid no attention to me, how I felt, my doubts about
existence, and so forth. It had achieved naked existence. The most fundamental
of being. Yet, it didn’t alienate me. Though I was not part of that sector of
reality because my mind was outside of its bounds, I did not begrudge to be
left out as a painter who would leave his patron out of the painting because
the latter is too concerned with his toiletry and is too late to show up, and
as revenge to being made to wait, the artist will simply leave the rich patron
out of the portrait altogether.
And this was in the small logging and fishing
town of Aberdeen on the Washington coast.
Seekers of enlightenment generally go to mystics in inaccessible places.
I was living quite modestly as a writer, but if I close my door, hang my hat
and coat on the hooks on the wall, I would be in the Himalayas. No need to go
to Tibet. Myths and lies are perpetrated to this day. What did Buddha say?
Straight from the horse’s mouth? He said anyone can be a Buddha. Seek
enlightenment and that will make you a Buddha, and once you are a Buddha, go
forth among the sick and malformed, the prostitutes and the crooked cops, the
unhappy rich man, and anyone else in pain because of earthy joys. Help them.
But don’t pretend you are the only legit one
OK, now, you students of philosophy, do you
understand me now? It is Beans or Nothingness. The wretched of the earth
all can understand me. And you plan to go to graduate school, so first clear
yourself of this muddle.
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